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What does rake a conflict and turns it into a seemingly endless struggle?

Multilingual Edition (German, English, Arabic, Hebrew)
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Title Details
By Meinrad Schade
188 pages, 152 color illustrations
24 x 19.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-85881-808-9
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In 2018, Israel marks the seventieth anniversary of statehood. Yet the events of 1948 are remembered very differently by the Palestinian people, who to this day carry the memory of the Naqba, the displacement of an estimated 750,000 Palestinians from their territories during the 1948 Palestine war. In the seven decades since, there has been no lasting agreement to sort out the volatile political and social situation in the region, which looks likely to remain for many years to come.

Unresolved is the most recent photo-essay by renowned Swiss documentary photographer Meinrad Schade. A continuation of his War Without War project, in which Schade documented the lingering, damaging marks of war on the former Soviet Union, Unresolved explores the obvious traces of conflict and the scars it leaves on both the people and landscapes in Israel, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip. Yet even more importantly, Schade brings home to the reader the sometimes more hidden symbols that can be found in daily life and that are simultaneously result and catalyst of the struggle. The captions—in English, German, Hebrew, and Arabic—highlight historic and current aspects of the conflict and invite readers to view it from different perspectives.

A thoughtful and sensitive photographic series, Unresolved offers an intimate look at the lasting impact of the conflict on the anniversary of its onset.


Longlist of the German Photobookaward 2018.



«Bei Schades Bildern weiss man nie so genau, ob das, was man sieht, Spiel oder Ernst ist. Bewusst lässt er einen auflaufen, verschiebt die Grenzen dessen, von dem man glaubte, Gewissheit zu haben, um Zweifel zu säen und Wahrheiten zu hinterfragen.» Felix Koltermann, Photonews

«Schade richtet den Blick auf die Normalität, die dieser Krieg in den beiden Gesellschaften angerichtet hat.» Armin Köhli, WOZ – Wochenzeitung

«Unresolved ist ein handwerklich sehr gut gemachter Reportage-Bildband mit erstklassigen Fotos aus einer Region, die uns auf den üblichen Medienkanälen oftmals nur aus der Sicht der Konfliktparteien präsentiert wird. Dass dort weit mehr stattfindet als Politik, nämlich Leben und Alltag abseits aller Kriegshandlungen, wird von Meinrad Schade eindrucksvoll dokumentiert.» Gerhard Reininger,

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